Thursday, August 18, 2016

Birthday Cake(s!) for 'Blood & Oil'

It feels like I've been #MIA lately! I've been working on som big changes around here, can't wait until everything is finished! :) Speaking of big things, this week's #TBT are these giant identical Birthday cakes. Now, when I say giant, I mean GIANT. These babies were over 2' high & the silver stands my hubby made for them were 24" wide! (for any Cakers out there .. 8" 10" 14" 18" 20", 4" high tiers.. )

I had the fun opportunity to make these twins for ABC Studios TV Series 'Blood & Oil' last year. (That was one busy weekend!)  Check out some pics & a short clip from the episode below..

Video clip:
Episode pictures on IMDB:

pictures below credit: ABC Studios, Blood & Oil, Fred Hayes

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